Local Pension Board
The role of the board is to assist the Hammersmith and Fulham Pension Fund comply with all the legislative requirements to ensure the scheme is being effectively and efficiently governed and managed.
The role of the board is to assist the Hammersmith and Fulham Pension Fund comply with all the legislative requirements to ensure the scheme is being effectively and efficiently governed and managed.
The governance arrangements of the Local Government Pension Scheme have changed. From 1 April 2015 the LBHF Pension Sub-Committee is assisted in its management of the Hammersmith & Fulham Pension Fund by a Local Pension Board made up from representatives of members and employers of the scheme.
Cllr Ashok Patel (Chair)
Cllr Nikos Souslous
Mr William O'Connell
Secretary to the Pension Board:
Contact email: goverance@lbhf.gov.uk
Interested in joining the Board?
If you are interested in becoming involved with the Pension Board , we would like to hear from you as we are always looking for new members especially if you are an active Fund employer. Meetings are held twice a year.
Please email the team at pensions@lbhf.gov.uk if you are interested in participating in a role on the Pension Board or would like more information on what the role entails.