The governance arrangements of the Local Government Pension Scheme have changed. From 1 April 2015 the LBHF Pension Sub-Committee is assisted in its management of the Hammersmith & Fulham Pension Fund by a Local Pension Board made up from representatives of members and employers of the scheme.

What does the Local Pension Board do?
  • It plays a key advisory role in assisting the LBHF Pension Sub-Committee in managing the pension fund.
  • It scrutinises the performance of the pension administration service.
  • It ensures that the LBHF Pension Sub-Committee is compliant with LGPS and other relevant regulations.
  • It is made up of six members, with equal representation between scheme members and employers.
  • It has regular meetings, at least twice a year
Pensions Board membership:

Cllr Ashok Patel (Chair)

Cllr Nikos Souslous 

Member representatives of the Local Pension Board:

Mr William O'Connell


Enquiries to members of the Local Pension Board

Secretary to the Pension Board:

Contact email: 

Interested in joining the Board?

If you are interested in becoming involved with the Pension Board , we would like to hear from you as we are always looking for new members especially if you are an active Fund employer. Meetings are held twice a year.

Please email the team at if you are interested in participating in a role on the Pension Board or would like more information on what the role entails.