Opting Out

Rather than opting out, you might want to consider moving to the 50/50 section of the Scheme.

While you are in the 50/50 section, you pay half your normal contributions and build up half your normal pension. This option allows you to remain in the Scheme, building up valuable pension benefits.

Joining the 50/50 section provides an alternative to opting out of the scheme in times of financial hardship. A 50/50 option form is available from 50/50 option • Local Pensions Partnership Administration

If you want to know more about the costs and benefits of being a member of the LGPS, or of moving to the 50/50 section you can visit The Local Government Pension Scheme member website:  Paying less :: LGPS

A few things you need to know: 

  • Your employer cannot ask you or force you to opt out.

  • If you are asked or forced to opt out, please contact The Pensions Regulator.
    Visit www.thepensionsregulator.gov.uk for more information.
  • If you change your mind, you may be able to opt back in. Just contact your employers payroll.
  •  If you stay opted out, your employer will normally put you back into the Local Government Pension Scheme in around three years.

  •  If you opt out of the LGPS and are entitled to deferred benefits, you won’t be able to combine your benefits if you later re-join the scheme.
  •  If you change jobs, your new employer will normally put you back into the pension scheme straight away.

  • If you have another job, your other employer might also put you into the scheme now or in the future. This form only opts you out of the pension scheme with your current employer. A separate form must be filled out and given to any other employer you work for if you wish to opt out of that scheme as well.

If you would still like to opt out of the pension scheme, please click on the link below to access the forms and documents page on the LPPA resources page. 

Forms, documents and scheme information • Local Pensions Partnership Administration